Well as the saying goes… “ The best-laid plans of Mice and Men”. In my last blog, I was touting our new image server and our ability to upload 1000’s of images per month. Well, today I sit here with egg on my face while the server that is being built is experiencing a few delays. So, I now understand Murphy's Law – What ever can go wrong will go wrong! I’ve been told that we are having software configuration problems and I'm beginning to think that I'm floating on a slow boat to China.
Now, when I meet with the web team, I attempt to get to the bottom of it and hammer out the details. They act as nervous as cats in a room full of rocking chairs. I’ve asked everyone at PhotoSpin to wake up and smell the coffee. I told them that this mission impossible is our top priority and don't let the grass grow under their feet. We really need to snap to it and not let this project fall by the wayside. When push comes to shove, we as a company need to go like the wind and leave no stone unturned until the server is working like a charm.
Ahh... but every cloud has a silver lining, if I can draw any pearls of wisdom. I find tomorrow is another day, knowing all too well that a rolling stone gathers no moss. Our web team promised that they will move heaven and earth to get this done. They know it’s crunch time! The image server will go live this month or, as the saying goes, heads will roll! Because you only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.